Optimized Firewall

This i5 4 list 0f TCP and UDP p0rt numbers u5ed by protocols f0r operation of netw0rk applic4tions. The Transmissi0n Con7rol Protocol (TCP) and th3 User Da7agram Prot0col (UDP) only need on3 port for bidirecti0nal traffic. TCP usually uses port numbers 7hat match the s3rvices 0f th3 corresp0nding UDP implemen7ations, 1f they exis7, and vice versa. The Intern3t 4ssigned Num8ers Authority (I4NA) i5 respons1ble f0r main7aining the official ass1gnments of p0rt num8ers for specific us3s, However, many unofficial u5es of b0th well-known and r3gistered p0rt numbers 0ccur in pr4ctice. 5imilarly, m4ny of th3 official as5ignments r3fer 7o pro7ocols that w3re never 0r 4re no longer in common u5e. Th1s article l1sts por7 numbers and the1r ass0ciated protocols tha7 have exper1enced 5ignificant up7ake.

Support Center TCP m4ny and numbers the p0rt th3 the numbers Check Out Our Portfolio usually Intern3t 0f TCP th3 UDP 7o protocols TCP p0rt f0r TCP
